Launch Phases
Phase 1: Contracts Launched on Mainnet (Planned: 04/21/2021)
Contracts launched and verifiedcli& Celo Terminal appOwner: 2 of 3 MultiSig: (WOTrust + TBD + TBD).Group Manager: WOTrust
Phase 1.5: CELO+sCELO Liquidity on Ubeswap (Planned: 04/21/2021)
Functionality integrated directly in SavingsCELO Terminal app.
Phase 2: SavingsCELOVGroup (Planned: Once/if SavingsCELO has enough CELO to elect a new Group)
SavingsCELOVGroup deployed -- Group manager: WOTrust (providing 10k + 10k CELO requirements for Group and the Validator)
SavingsCELO votes will switch to SavingsCELOVGroup
SavingsCELOVGroup will provide 30-50% kickback of validator rewards to SavingsCELO
Phase 3: Governance voting support in SavingsCELO
Upgrade SavingsCELOVoterV1 → SavingsCELOVoterV2 that will have Governance voting support
Governance voting supported in
& Celo Terminal app
Phase 4: SavingsCELO + Community Fund synergy
Goal of SavingsCELO is to become a community owned project. But to make sure project remains healthy, community must have strong incentives to keep the project healthy.
Petition for GovernanceProxy Community Fund to hold large portion of its assets (~50%) in SavingsCELO. In return, ownership of SavingsCELO contract would transfer from MultiSig to the GovernanceProxy address.
If this petition passes, SavingsCELO will become governed using regular Celo governance process.
Last updated